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The relationship between Café Isabelita and WN Coffee Importers Corp

The relationship between Café Isabelita and WN Coffee Importers Corp

Jan 12, 2024 (Updated on Sep 29, 2024)

After many years of striving to innovate in the realm of coffee production, offering you a sustainable, organic, great-tasting, and unparalleled product, we have decided that this year is the right moment for something new. We've already surprised you with numbered packaging, sets of cups featuring famous local artists, limited harvests created with you in mind, and proposals entirely crafted by women... Now, it's time to astonish you with something beyond coffee.

 The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the world's highest coastal mountain range, endowing it with several unique characteristics—whatever grows in the Sierra is inherently unique. We don't need to tell you that Sierra Nevada coffee is special; you already know that. It's the reason why you have this in your hands. However, there's something else equally special and endemic to this mountain that you might not be familiar with: Cocoa.

Since 2015, Iliana has been studying, researching, and working to find the best way to incorporate cocoa from our farms into our project. Even her master's thesis focused on cocoa as a diversification product in coffee farms to enhance cash flow. At that time, as primarily coffee growers, we viewed the cocoa project merely as an avenue for additional income within the national market.

But as life often unfolds, along the way, we encountered a chocolatier who enlightened us about the world of cocoa, explained the transformation process, and its added values... and we fell in love. We realized that our cocoa could result in a chocolate bar that delights, one we'd like to share with you and our Café Isabelita customers. Because we're not just going to continue promoting The Good Coffee Culture; we also want to include in this journey The culture of Good Cocoa and Good Chocolate. We aim to continue showcasing all the bounties offered by the land of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Join us on this new experience and journey. By promoting The Culture of Good Coffee, alongside Good Cocoa and Good Chocolate, we will make the world a better place, offering sustainable, and delicious products. These not only allow us to enjoy the best of our country nationally but also enable us to elevate Colombia's reputation internationally.
